Thursday, September 22, 2011

Blog 3 Response to "Hype"

   People have been fed advertisements for a while now,but compared to a long time ago the number of ads you take in daily have increased tremendously.In "Hype" by Kalle Lasn the author talks about how we are bombarded by ads in our daily lives. The  increase  in  commercial   advertising  has happened  so  fast that  we  haven’t  quite  woken  up  to  the absurdity of it. I agree with Kalle Lasn that ''Right now ads are the most prevalent and toxic mental pollutant.''
   Ads use to be commonly seen on billboards, buses, and stadiums.In "Hype" it states "Every day an estimated 12 billion display ads, 3 million radio commercials, and more than 200,000 TV commercials are dumped into North America’s  collective  unconscious." The number is very high to believe but its true. Corporate America has come up with the idea that anywhere your eyes can rest should be filled with a logo or a product message.Such as children at school seeing pepsi and snack ads. While filling your car with gas the nozzle will be embellished with an ad.VideoCarte has installed interactive screens on supermarket carts so you will see ads while you shop.
   Through my experience I have noticed how excessively we are shown ads.When I wait for a train on the platform there are movie ads everywhere, and when i get on the train there are even more ads inside.While watching a  movie stream on the Internet you will get an ad of the beginning, and more after short periods in the movie. Trucks have giant logos on them,Buildings have many posters,Theaters will have 10 minute previews before a movie.Ads are everywhere and Corporate America has taken it to the extreme.
   Ads are the biggest mental pollutant out right now. Even though advertisements aren't dangerous,we are wasting many resources when we have so many around.I bet everyone in America can relate on how they are spammed by ads each day.Some companies don't even need as much spotlight as they are handing out to the public.Corporate America will probably keep increasing its advertising because having more profit will always make them happy.

1 comment:

  1. While you can polish it some and improve the summary, this is a passing essay
